Protracted heat wave in 2nd quarter likewise prevented some tourists PUBLISHED : 28 Jun 2024 at 20: 28 Tourists prepare to board a boat at the Tha Tien pier in Bangkok on June 7. (Photo: Apichart Jinakul) The tourist self-confidence index stayed listedbelow the criteria in the 2nd quarter, obstructed by stagnant financial development, though it enhanced from last year, according to the Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT). The index for the 2nd quarter was 79, lower than the standard of 100 tape-recorded before the pandemic. Although the index fell from 81 in the previous quarter, it enhanced from 72 in the verysame duration last year. The reading was based on a study by the council of 740 tourist operators acrossthecountry inbetween May 30 and June10 Council president Chamnan Srisawat stated the hold-up in financial budgetplan dispensation and the low tourist season resulted in a lower reading. He stated an severe hea
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