11,000 cruise ship travelers landed in Santorini at once — and it was as bad as it sounds

11,000 cruise ship travelers landed in Santorini at once — and it was as bad as it sounds

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Travellers gathering to watch the sunset at Oia on the island of Santorini, 30 June 2024. With the number of visitors to the island of Santorini increasing unchecked, the authorities are beginning to think about imposing certain limits on the number of travellers.

Travellers event to watch the sunset at Oia on the island of Santorini, 30 June2024 With the number of visitors to the island of Santorini increasing untreated, the authorities are start to believe about enforcing particular limitations on the number of visitors.
Photo: XAVIER DUVOT/Hans Lucas/AFP (Getty Images)

Thousands of cruise ship travelers turned the captivating Greek island of Santorini into standing-room-only hell Wednesday, proving when onceagain it actually is the worst method to travel.

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Santorini is mostlikely what you picture when you photo Greece in your head; it’s simply that picturesque. Naturally the island of 15,500 locals is a draw for the Mediterranean’s expanding cruise ship market. The island can technically manage 7 of these building-size boats at a time, Express reports, however when they all program up at once it endsupbeing a issue, primarily for the individuals who infact live there. From Kathimerini:

A social media post by Panagiotis Kavallaris, president of the Thira community neighborhood, which was lateron erased, prompted homeowners to limitation their motions due to the rise in traveler traffic. The post broughtin extensive attention and criticism, with some recommending that citizens were being limited for the advantage of tourist.

On Tuesday, a conference was held including high-ranking authorities from different ministries, the mayor of Thira (Santorini), the guv of the South Aegean area and MPs from the Cyclades. The conversation highlighted immediate concerns, consistingof the requirement to limitation the number of cruises to the island.

Santorini Mayor Nikos Zorzos informed Kathimerini that the number of cruise travelers disembarking on the island needsto not gobeyond 8,000 per day. “Starting in 2025, we will renew this cap to maintain our island as a special location,” Zorzos stated.

He discussed that it was not possible to enforce limitations on cruise arrivals this year due to the advance preparation of such journeys. However, the local authority has handled to lower the number of peak days, where visitors surpass 10,000-11,000, from 63 last year to 48 this year.

Only 48 days a year will folks be asses-to-elbows with each other in the streets of your home town. How generous! Between overcrowding lovely locations, creating dreadful contamination, killing threaten whales, covering up sexual attacks and offering you GI illness that’ll keep you in your cabin for the entire journey, I simply can’t appear to see the appeal of a Cruise trip is. I puton’t understand, possibly they’re excellent, however they appear like absolute hell. 

A variation of this shortarticle initially appeared on Jalopnik.

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