Black magic on Maldives President Muizzu? Check why the environment minister hasactually been apprehended

Black magic on Maldives President Muizzu? Check why the environment minister hasactually been apprehended

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Maldives environment minister hasactually been detained for presumably carryingout “black magic” on the president Mohamed Muizzu. Yes, you heard it ideal! Police haveactually jailed Fathimath Shamnaz Ali Saleem, along with 2 others in capital city Male on Sunday on charge of carryingout “black magic” on the president.

Fathimath Shamnaz Ali Saleem is the state minister for Environment, Climate Change and Energy in Maldives.

According to the media reports mentioning officers, Fathimath hasactually been remanded in custody for a week pending examinations, without providing information for her arrest.

“There haveactually been reports that Shamnaz was apprehended for carryingout black magic on President Dr Mohamed Muizzu,” reported the Sun, a regional media outlet.

Police would neither verify nor reject the report.

Her function is vital in a nation at the leadingedge of the environment crisis, where UN ecological professionals have cautioned that increasing sea levels might render it essentially uninhabitable by the century’s end.

Is ‘black magic’ a criminalactivity?

No, under the chastening code in the Muslim-majority Maldives, sorcery is not a criminal offense. But it does bring a six-mont

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