Bringing Down the Temperature During Polarizing Times

Bringing Down the Temperature During Polarizing Times

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Lessons on political bridge-building from Nigeria and Brazil.

July 19, 2024

Illustration by Debora Szpilman


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  • Whoever wins the U.S. presidential election in November will be confronted with a country still bitterly divided. Many feel a sense of hopelessness and fear for the future, just as they sear over past injustices. But there are glimmers of solutions that can be effected through transformational leadership. The author, who ran a program at Oxford University that assembled and built “unlikely coalitions” among more than 1,000 current and prospective public leaders from more than 100 countries, offers lessons from two efforts in Nigeria and Brazil to build bridges and reduce political tensions and violence.

    The attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump on July 13 brought back to Americans the gut-wrenching political violence that marred the country in the turbulent and polarizing 1960s. Electoral violence is also all too common in other parts of the world — voting seasons this year in India, Mexico, and Pakistan have been tarnished by violence.


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    • Karthik Ramanna is a professor of business and public policy at University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government and was previously a professor and the Marvin Bower Fellow at Harvard Business School. He coauthored the McKinsey Award–winning HBR article “Accounting for Climate Change” (November–December 2021) and is author of The Age of Outrage: How to Lead in a Polarized World. He is cofounder and principal investigator of the E-liability Institute, a global not-for-profit advancing the urgent accounting upgrade needed to drive green innovation.


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