Israeli forces getsridof secret Hamas weapons advancement operative in Gaza

Israeli forces getsridof secret Hamas weapons advancement operative in Gaza

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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed on Monday, June 24, the removal of Muhammad Salah, a substantial figure in Hamas’ weapons production operations. Salah, accountable for supervising jobs and advancement in Hamas’ Weapons Manufacturing Headquarters, was targetted in an Israeli Air Force (IAF) airstrike based on exact intelligence.

“Last night (Sunday), following IDF intelligence, IAF airplane gottenridof the terrorist Muhammad Salah, who was accountable for tasks and advancement in Hamas’ Weapons Manufacturing Headquarters. Salah was part of a task to establish tactical weaponry for the Hamas terrorist company, and he commanded a number of Hamas terrorist teams that worked on establishing weapons,” IDF stated in declaration.

According to the IDF, Salah played a critical function in establishing tactical weaponry for Hamas and commanded anumberof teams focused on weapons advancement. His removal marks a noteworthy blow to Hamas’ abilities in the Gaza Strip.

In parallel with this operation, IDF soldiers haveactually been performing

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