Ray O’Rourke to hand chief executive reins to boy Cathal

Ray O’Rourke to hand chief executive reins to boy Cathal

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Laing O’Rourke has revealed that group chief executive Ray O’Rourke is to action down and hand over to his kid.

The tier one professional revealed today that the male who has run the company because starting it in 1977 hadactually provided notification to the board of his intent to leave.

He will continue to serve on the Laing O’Rourke group board as deputy chair of the firm, and will be wassuccessful next week as chief executive by his boy, Cathal.

Ray O’Rourke stated: “I am extremely proud of our individuals and what we haveactually attained as a organization.

“We have preserved a dedication to change our market, and our individuals are identified for their capability to provide complex engineering jobs utilizing advanced and advanced strategies throughout the world.”

The company’s chairman Sir John Parker stated: “We salute the special imagination of Ray’s management in structure the group and its culture that we understand today.

“We are lucky that he will continue to serve, offering continuous assistance and mentorship.”

Ray O’Rourke initially established the service, R. O’Rourke, in 1977 as an east London-based formwork professional.

In 2001, the company purchased f

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