Researchstudy: Speed Matters When Companies Respond to Social Issues

Researchstudy: Speed Matters When Companies Respond to Social Issues

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An analysis of Instagram posts by Fortune 500 business after George Floyd’s murder discovered that clients were hesitant of those who waited too long to make a declaration.

July 01, 2024

Martin Barraud/Getty Images


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  • Companies and their leaders face brand-new pressures to make public declarations about questionable and insomecases dissentious social and political problems. New researchstudy reveals that timing matters: customers view a relationship inbetween speed and credibility, and discountrate declarations from business that wait too long to respond. Leaders can usage 4 concerns to comprehend when and how they needto shape their reaction.

    In the wake of George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis cops officers in 2020, people started objecting racial oppression both in individual and online. But it wasn’t simply people — many widelyknown business in business America appeared to openly lineup themselves with protestors, rather than staying quiet or neutral.

    • Alison Wood Brooks is the O’Brien Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.

    • JN

      Jimin Nam is a doctoral prospect in marketing at Harvard Business School.

    • MB

      Maya Balakrishnan is a doctoral prospect in innovation and operations management at Harvard Business School.

    • Julian De Freitas is an

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