Seasonal Pet Health

Seasonal Pet Health

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As the seasons modification so too must the care you provide your animal. Here are some leading health suggestions to thinkabout as we relocation through the year.

SUMMER: When strolling your canine, check the surfacearea of the path or roadway isn’t too hot and prevent strolling in the middle of the day when the weathercondition is hottest. Constantly screen your animal’s water bowl to makesure it has gainaccessto to fresh drinking water.

SPRING: As we head into peak paralysis tick and flea season, spring is a fantastic time to guarantee your pet is safeguarded versus these pesky parasites.

And of course, while you oughtto groom your petdog all year round, spring is a terrific time to clip your pet’s hair and do a comprehensive coat overhaul to guarantee your familypet is looking — and sensation — excellent.

WINTER: Change your petdog’s workout regimen to makesure they’re not out strolling too late at night or early in the earlymorning, and thinkabout a doggy coat or coat for those short-haired or senior familypets who might be sensation the cold more than others.

AUTUMN: As we relocation towards

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