Google mostlikely won’t make that high-end Chromecast you desire, and that’s allright

A new Chromecast is coming. If you look around at what folks want from it, it’s all about performance and speed. Basically, a lot of folks want a high-end Chromecast, but it doesn’t seem like Google is planning for that, and it seems unlikely they ever will. This issue of 9to5Google Weekender is a part…

The world’s first and only natural proprietary, patent-pending formula, that when combined with coffee, can increase both the speed and efficiency of metabolism. While instantly boosting your health, energy and well-being at the same time. There’s never been anything even close to Java Burn ever attempted. As myself, my team, my entire family… And tens of thousands of everyday women and men can attest… Electrifying your metabolism… Torching off fat from your problem areas… Enjoying incredible all-day-energy… Reducing hunger... And improving your health… Could not be any simpler, easier or more automatic… Just enjoy your morning coffee with an instantly dissolvable, tasteless packet …

Doctors Shocked: Can This Enzyme Bust Diabetes? Doctors found something that can attack the root cause of type 2 diabetes Watch the video to know more

You must mostlikely upgrade your Google Chrome webbrowser this weekend

June Wan/ZDNETIf you are one of the millions of worldwide Chrome users, it’s time for yet another update. That’s right, a sixth zero-day exploit has been discovered in Chrome and, fortunately, the update was released shortly after. If you’re uncertain as to what a zero-day vulnerability is, it’s simply a vulnerability that has been discovered…

The world’s first and only natural proprietary, patent-pending formula, that when combined with coffee, can increase both the speed and efficiency of metabolism. While instantly boosting your health, energy and well-being at the same time. There’s never been anything even close to Java Burn ever attempted. As myself, my team, my entire family… And tens of thousands of everyday women and men can attest… Electrifying your metabolism… Torching off fat from your problem areas… Enjoying incredible all-day-energy… Reducing hunger... And improving your health… Could not be any simpler, easier or more automatic… Just enjoy your morning coffee with an instantly dissolvable, tasteless packet …

Doctors Shocked: Can This Enzyme Bust Diabetes? Doctors found something that can attack the root cause of type 2 diabetes Watch the video to know more