Anti-piracy messages motivate MORE piracy — if you’re a guy

Anti-piracy messages motivate MORE piracy — if you’re a guy

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Anti-piracy projects can infact cause more piracy — if you’re a guy.

So state the cybercrime experts at the University of Portsmouth, who examined efforts to discourage prohibited torrenting, streaming, and file-sharing.

To test the strategies, the scientists exposed 962 grownups to threatening messages utilized in anti-piracy projects. They then examined possible modifications in behaviour.

They found a spacious gender space. The messages led piracy objectives to decrease by 52% in ladies, however they increased by 18% in guys.

“The researchstudy reveals that anti-piracy messages can unintentionally boost piracy, which is a phenomenon understood as mental reactance,” stated lead researchstudy author Kate Whitman.

“From an evolutionary psychology point of view, guys have a morepowerful response to their liberty being threatened and forthatreason they do the opposite.”

Unintended effects of anti-piracy

The messages were verbatim copies of real-world anti-piracy projects. One was based on an advert by Crimestoppers, a nationwide charity, which highlighted the threats of viruses, scams, theft, and hacking.

Another replicated a French federalgovernment project, which threatened to end infringers’ web gainaccessto.

“We understand currently there are lots of gender distinctions in piracy as guys tend to pirate more than ladies —

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