Apple, captured by surprise in generative AI boom, to invest $1 billion per year to catch up: Report

Apple, captured by surprise in generative AI boom, to invest $1 billion per year to catch up: Report

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Apple CEO Tim Cook takes a dip in the crowd after the discussion of the brand-new iPhone 15. 

Christoph Dernbach | Picture Alliance | Getty Images

Apple is on track to invest $1 billion per year on establishing its generative synthetic intelligence items, Bloomberg reported.

The costs comes as the business plays catch-up to some rivals who have currently debuted brand-new AI items and includes, such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon, according to the report.

Apple utilizes AI in its items however hasn’t released a generative AI item along the lines of OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google Bard, for example. Instead, Apple’s AI is utilized for things like enhancing images and autocorrecting text.

So far, Apple hasactually developed its own big language design structure, Ajax, as well as a reported chatbot, recognized internally as Apple GPT, Bloomberg stated. Neither hasactually been included into its items .

The business is supposedly looking to incorporate AI into Siri, Messages and Apple Music. For the latter, Apple would usage AI to produce auto-generated play

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