Autonomys Network: ex-Jumio Executive Appointed CEO for New deAI Vision Ahead of Mainnet Launch

Autonomys Network: ex-Jumio Executive Appointed CEO for New deAI Vision Ahead of Mainnet Launch

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[PRESS RELEASE – Palo Alto, California, June 14th, 2024]

Autonomys (formerly Subspace) is now an identity-based decentralized AI (deAI) stack for human + AI (H+AI) partnership

Introducing Autonomys—a decentralized AI (deAI) verticalized stack including dispersed storage, dispersed calculate, and a decentralized application (dApp) suite. The veryfirst primitive being developed in the Auto Suite is our decentralized identity procedure Autonomys ID (Auto ID). Autonomys’s deAI environment stack is developed to supply all the essential elements to develop and deploy AI-powered dApps (super dApps) and representatives, and consistsof:

  • Distributed Storage: guaranteeing information stability and accessibility, essential for saving large quantities of AI-related information.
  • Distributed Compute: offering scalable and safeandsecure computational resources for AI training and reasoning.
  • dApp / Agent Layer: releasing and assistingin the advancement of AI dApps and representatives, incorporated with Auto ID to allow protect and proven interactions.

This verticalized stack not just improves the abilities of AI applications, however likewise guarantees that they run within a protected and decentralized structure. The mix of dispersed storage and calculate and a robust identity procedure positions Autonomys as a leader in the merging of web3 and AI. Only a scalable, decentralized network capable of handling billions of AI-augmented users can power the shift to H+AI. These basics leave the Autonomys (formerly Subspace) Network distinctively located to assistance the needed primitives, consistingof decentralized identity-based deals, at not just Internet-scale, however Internet of Agents (IoA)-scale.

“In the web3-enabled decentralized future, humanbeings will be empowered by AI while keeping radical autonomy over their fates. Unlike centralized AI, which is typically prejudiced and profit-driven, a decentralized platform accepts the abundant tapestry of humankind, makingsure AI serves as an ally that shows our variety and enhances our lives. Only through decentralization can we accomplish a future where AI genuinely enhances human possible without jeopardizing our worths. We are shamelessly humankind maximalists.” – Labhesh Patel, Autonomys CEO.

Autonomys Network

The foundation of Autonomy’s vision for safeandsecure, sovereign H+AI partnership is the Autonomys Network, a implementation of the Subspace Protocol. Its big neighborhood of farmers protects the blockchain—underpinned by ingenious Proof-of-Archival-Storage (PoAS) agreement—by contributing storage, thus earning benefits through active involvement. The growing node operator network likewise offers calculate power (execution), through our Proof-of-Stake (PoS) agreement system, and makes rewards. These decoupled execution environments are called domains. Read more about the procedure in the Autonomys Academy.

This effective mix of agreement bymeansof PoAS and calculate bymeansof PoS offers the perfect structure for structure steady, scalable items in the future, consistingof Autonomys ID (Auto ID) and the applications developed on top of this primitive. In this method, the Autonomys Network is set to endedupbeing the facilities layer that underpins the complete web3 x AI (AI3.0) stack, while atthesametime offering users control over their digital lives. Autonomys is assisting leader an option course of autonomy to the state-dependency presented by Universal Basic Income (UBI), recommended as a option to the prospective ‘jobs armageddon’ brought about by the Age of AI. Our path, ontheotherhand, leads to the Age of Autonomy.

Autonomys ID

Any deAI stack is insufficient without the capability for people to supply rule-based gainaccessto controls. These are important to makesure AI representatives are established and run within safe, ethical limits. Thus, the requirement for protected, proven identities is critical.

Autonomys ID (Auto ID) is created to satisfy this requirement by supplying a robust, privacy-preserving decentralized identity procedure permitting both people and AI representatives to develop and validate their identities perfectly. It represents a fundamental pillar of our objective to assistance usher in the Age of Autonomy. Auto ID makesitpossiblefor you to show your mankind and produce a special identity on-chain without subjecting yourself to intrusive biometric scans. This thorough proof-of-personhood can then be utilized throughout different dApps and services.

The combination of Auto ID within the Autonomy decentralized AI stack goes beyond human identities, . By gearingup AI representatives with identities obtained from human-controlled Auto IDs, Autonomy can develop a system of trust and responsibility. This guarantees that AI representatives adhere to the guardrails specified by their huma

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