Boeing informs airlinecompanies to inspect 787 flight deck seat changes

Boeing informs airlinecompanies to inspect 787 flight deck seat changes

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Boeing tells airlines to check 787 flight deck seat switches © Reuters. FILE PHOTO: A view of the damage continual to the ceiling of the plane after an occurrence on a LATAM Airlines Boeing 787, in Auckland, New Zealand, March 11, 2024, in this photo gotten from social media. Brian Adam Jokat/via REUTERS/File Photo

By David Shepardson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Boeing on Friday informed airlinecompanies operating 787 Dreamliners to check flight deck changes after a unexpected mid-air dive by a LATAM Airlines (OTC:) 787 airplane left more than 50 individuals hurt.

The Air Current, an airtravel market publication, reported on Wednesday that the motion of a flight deck seat is a secret focus of the probe into Monday’s flight.

Boeing (NYSE:) stated earlier on Friday that it hadactually taken the preventive procedure of advising operators of a 2017 service publication detailing guidelines for examining and preserving flight

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