China Says NATO Creating ‘Imaginary Enemies’ After Getting Called Out for Russia Support

China Says NATO Creating ‘Imaginary Enemies’ After Getting Called Out for Russia Support

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The Chinese federalgovernment responded with outrage on Thursday to the publication of this year’s NATO top statement, which clearly referred to Beijing as a hazard and recommended it might act in action to China’s close diplomatic relationship with Russia.

The NATO top concluded in Washington, DC, on Thursday, following talks amongst the world leaders of NATO member nations and visitors such as the leaders of Japan, South Korea, and Ukraine. The continuous Russian intrusion of that nation was the main subject of conversation at the top as Ukraine borders NATO’s eastern European states, however the statement securely condemned China for what it explained as involvement in the intrusion.

Calling China a “decisive enabler” of the Ukraine intrusion, NATO alerted that China “cannot allow the biggest war in Europe in current history without this adversely affecting its interests and credibility.”

The Chinese Communist Party has enthusiastically supported the Russian economy versus American and European sanctions, executed in action to the intrusion. It preserves diplomatic relations with Ukraine likewise, nevertheless, duetothefactthat Kyiv is a partner in the predatory Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hasactually welcomed Chinese business to reconstruct Ukraine following the war.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry nevertheless effusively rejected playing any function in supporting Russia and declared the NATO powers were trying to “create fictional opponents” to validate the continued presence of the military alliance.

“NATO’s Washington Summit Declaration is a scaremongering piece about the Asia-Pacific, a item of the Cold War mindset and complete of belligerent rhetoric,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian informed pressreporters on Thursday, stating Chinese leaders “strongly deplore and securely oppose it.”

Lin went on to call NATO itself an “enormous threat to the world” and a “vestige of the Cold War” no longer required in the 21st century.

“To produce fictional opponents to validate its presence and act out of location is NATO’s go-to strategy,” he continued.

Lin included that implicating China of supporting Russia, its leading ally with which strongman Vladimir Putin hasactually explained the present diplomatic ties as a “golden age,” “makes no sense,” then bizarrely appeared to implicate the United States of equipping Russia.

“Statistics infact program that over 60 percent of Russia’s imported military elements and dual-use products come from the UnitedStates and other Western nations,” he declared. “95 percent of Russia’s secret elements ruined by Ukraine come from the West, and 72 percent of Western parts of Russian-made weapons come from UnitedStates business.”

“China prompts NATO to disposeof the Cold War mindset, bloc fight and zero-sum method,” he required, “form the right understanding of China, stop interfering in China’s internal affairs and damning China and stop interrupting China-Europe relations.”

China’s state media has for years been calling on NATO to be “relegated to the dustbin of history” and continued to make the verysame needs for the dissolving of the military alliance throughout the top this week. The state-run Global Times propaganda outlet hasactually invested much of the week deriding NATO, calling the all

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