Dana Loesch Obliterates Gavin Newsom’s Laughable Take on Biden’s ‘Master Class’ Presidency

Dana Loesch Obliterates Gavin Newsom’s Laughable Take on Biden’s ‘Master Class’ Presidency

0 minutes, 58 seconds Read

When it comes to President Biden’s reelection method, the Democrat strategy is clear: Pretend like “Bidenomics” hasactually developed an financial paradise, the border isn’t protected duetothefactthat of Republicans and that the president is as sharp as a tack behind the scenes.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom took the gaslighting one action additional by declaring that Biden’s term so far hasactually been a “master class”:

Whereas Trump hasactually made a routine out of belittling Biden for being up there in years, sharing satire videos to Truth Social proving the president being mixed off to an old folk’s home, Newsom believes Biden’s presidency hasactually been a “masterclass” in how to run the nation, and that his age just brings more knowledge that the nation can advantage from.

“I’ve been out, as you understand, on the project path,” he stated to Welker. “I was simply out in California. I’ve seen him up close, I’ve seen him from far. But here’s my point: it’s since of his age that he’s been so effective. It’s since of the knowledge and the character that’s established over the years . . . so the chance to expr

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