Exhibit Opening: Fruits of Water and Air

Exhibit Opening: Fruits of Water and Air

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Los Angeles, CA, January 30, 2024 –(PR.com)– March 2, 2024 – March 29, 2024
Opening: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 4: 00 – 6: 00 PM

Guided by instinct and a skillful layering method, Vé Boisvert’s enchanting artwork emanate favorable energy, havingactually amassed worldwide recognition included in publications such as House and Garden (England) and Le Soleil (Quebec). Joining Boisvert in this display are Julie Naima, Ivana Milosevic, Bettina Mauel, and Paul Kirley, each contributing a distinct and speculative pointofview to the collection. Naima welcomes audiences into a spirited fictional world, Milosevic catches the distinctive stateofminds of metropolitan landscapes, Mauel instills dynamism and sensuality into her works, and Kirley perfectly mixes paint and photographic structures, producing motion-filled dreamscapes. Fruits of Water and Air welcomes clients to checkout the varied creative expressions that emanate from the style of fluidity and vigor, stimulating reflections on the ever-changing and interconnected nature of the components that motivate these visionary artists.

Vé Boisvert, assisted by instinct and utilizing a skillful layering method of lively colors, crafts enchanting artwork radiating favorable energy. Her innovative procedure, sustained by strength, makesitpossiblefor her to equate extensive feelings onto canvases with unequaled grace. Boisvert’s artistry hasactually enhanced the pages of distinguished publications like House and Garden (England) and Le Soleil (Quebec). Featured in shortarticles by Radio-Canada, her fascinating productions haveactually amassed worldwide acknowledgment. In 2015, Vé Boisvert got the respected “Récipiendaire de la bourse Aide aux expositions” awar

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