Green light for Digbeth 1,300 homes plan

Green light for Digbeth 1,300 homes plan

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Work can now start to restore the brownfield website, which is situated within a mile of rail, cablecar, bus and coach connections.

The advancement will provide a brand-new area centred around a renaturalised River Rea, which runs through the middle of the website, however is not presently available to the public.

Dandara will invest in landscaping the river, producing brand-new public areas along its banks and laying the structures for a mixed-use location a brief walk from the city centre.

This veryfirst stage of the advancement will spearhead the shipment of the Council’s Rea Valley Urban Quarter regrowth with succeeding stages providing evenmore homes, workspaces, commercial area and brand-new active travel paths.

Rachel Allwood, preparation director at Dandara Living, stated: “The Warner’s Fields redevelopment will provide much-needed brand-new homes to satisfy Birmingham’s realestate requirement and drive the environmental and ecological change of this part of the city by renaturalising the River Rea and providing considerable net biodiversity gain.”

Phase 1 will see the excavation and landscaping of the River Rea for the veryfirst time in years, togetherwith over 1,300 brand-new homes and 2,700m2 of business area.

New Rea Valley Urban Quarter regrowth strategy

This preliminary financialinvestment will catalyse the building of succeeding stages, consistingof more mixed-use advancements and bring much required regrowth into the location.

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