Honorary Rube, Mehdi Hasan, doesn’t get the joke while attempting to dump on J.D. Vance

Honorary Rube, Mehdi Hasan, doesn’t get the joke while attempting to dump on J.D. Vance

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In the continuous legend of a Chinese spy balloon trolling over America, J.D. Vance tweeted out a amusing image of himself, looking skyward, as if waiting to shoot down the balloon. Not one for humor obviously, Mehdi Hasan took the joke rather seriously and tried to makeuseof the ‘rubes’ he declared Vance was makinguseof.

Yes, this is how numerous on the Left view those of you who live out there in flyover. You’re going to see the brand-new Senator from Ohio next to his firewood stack with his AR-15 and be a hoopin’ and a hollerin’ for him to shoot that dad-blasted commie inflatable out of the sky. Nah. That’s infact Joe Biden’s task, which he appears reluctant, or notable, to do.

If anybody comprehends you can’t shoot down a balloon at 60,000 feet with an AR-15, it’s the individuals Mehdi Hasan is pretending to stand up for.

We folks out in the cries who live next to cow pastures even comprehend jokes, Mehdi. Well, splendor be!

MTG recommending the balloon be shot down by a weapon (impossible!) is fine – she doesn’t understand anything.

Mr Yale Law School here doing the verysame is much evenworse, & a pointer of how much contempt these GOP politicalleaders have for their own base; they see them as rubes to be madeuseof. https://t.co/rFG5suMYdc

— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) February 4, 2023

Twitter saw through his effort to makeuseof the ‘rubes’.

I’m sorry this is your veryfirst directexposure to jokes, Mehdi. I’m here to assistance if you requirement it.

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) February 4, 2023

We’re infact rather fond of humor out here in the sticks. We’re pleased Mehdi has now been exposed. Perhaps it will assist.

You can’t inform this is a joke since you are a joke and absence the capability of self-questioning.

— Jeremy Redfern (@JeremyRedfernFL) February 4, 2023

The ‘rubes’ are a characterization of much of red America lotsof leftists haveactually produced in their own minds. They simply desire to ‘save them from ballot versus their own interests’.

No thanks, how about you simply leave us alone?

Is it a business policy for MSNBC to hire unbearable twats?

Or are you and Ben Collins in some kind of competitors????

— Star Spangled Bangers 🔑 (@Machovell1an) February 4, 2023

At least MSNBC is completing for something, best?

Mr MSNBC not understanding the idea of humor is really on brandname

— Jon ?%A/C (@JonnyMicro) February 4, 2023

We have to confess, MSNBC is hilarious, simply in a various kind of method.

I think they take us as individuals who understand a joke when they see it.

— New Year, New Beard (@llcthecableguy) February 4, 2023

Exactly. Well, otherthan possibly for some of those parody accounts pretending to be liberals. Those are getting difficult to figure out. LOL.


— Pookiedr (@Pookiedr) February 4, 2023

Disclaimer: The above photo is not really Mehdi Hasan with the word ‘JOKE’ flying over his head. It is an artist’s performance showing that Mehdi didn’t comprehend that J.D. Vance was making a joke.

We simply desired to clear that up for any of you rubes out there who may have idea this was a genuine picture of Mehdi.

The just rube here is you not getting the joke. Good lord male

— JayJay Mc

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