ICE WCM euro digital licensing admin

Photo Credit: ICE Services

ICE has formally split €1 billion (currently $1.08 billion) in yearly circulations for the veryfirst time because its 2016 launch.

The PRS-, STIM-, and GEMA-founded business reached out today with word of that turningpoint, which showedup particularly inbetween May of 2023 and April of2024 As summarized by ICE (the International Copyright Enterprise), almost 3 and a half years passed before it topped €1 billion in cumulative circulations, compared to about 2 years for the 2nd billion.

Running with those figures and the discussed turningpoint, ICE’s general circulations to date overall around $4.87 billion (€4.5 billion). Behind that substantial amount, the organization, which scored an broadened Warner Chappell pact last month, pointed to “multi-stage invoicing,” the Licensr self-service licensing offering, and an auditing program for DSPs.

Notwithstanding these and other offerings, ICE’s revealing is, of course, eventually reliant on royalty management. On this front, the London-headquartered center, which published turnover of $59.20 million (?%AIRCONDITIONING54.69 million) and earnings of $11.45 million (?%AIRCONDITIONER10.58 million) for 2022, states it represents north of 330,000 rightsholders.

Besides the Arctic Rights Management owner Peermusic (which reupped in April), ICE Core counts as members the aforesaid PRS, STIM, and GEMA as well as BMI, Sabam, AKM, Concord, and (despite a coupleof reported missteps) Songtrust, to name some.

Addressing the “major accomplishment” on the royalties side, ICE CEO Peter de Mönnink highlighted “the worth of music and the significance of songwriting” – while likewise touch