Israel strikes Hezbollah targets in preparation for intensified dispute

Israel strikes Hezbollah targets in preparation for intensified dispute

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Hezbollah has carried out near daily airstrikes against northern Israeli settlements near the border with Lebanon since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. File Photo by IDF/ UPI

Hezbollah has brought out near day-to-day airstrikes versus northern Israeli settlements near the border with Lebanon because the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. File Photo by IDF/ UPI | License Photo

June 29 (UPI) — Israel on Saturday struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in reaction to the militant group’s current airstrike along the Israeli-Lebanese border.

The strike happened in the earlymorning when Hezbollah fired 2 anti-tank directed rockets from southern Lebanon towards Kibbutz Misgav Am. No injuries were reported.

The group lateron validated duty for the strike, stating it was targeting Israeli spy devices in Misgav Am in assistance of the Palestinian individuals. Israeli forces reacted with weapons strikes towards the source of the rocket launch.

Israeli fighter jets on Saturday likewise struck 2 structures in Houla in southern Lebanon where Hezbollah operatives had collected, according to the IDF.

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati visited southern Lebanon amidst the barrage, stating the clash inbetween Israel and Hezbollah was “psychological warfare” on his nation however that he was working to reach peace on the border.

The Lebanese military is active in the south of the nation however has no control over the Iranian-backed Hezbollah.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Friday stated his nation was “not looking for war” with Hezbollah however that it was prepared for an esca

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