Joe Biden Suffers From ‘Denial, Delusion and Defiance’: Former Obama Adviser

Joe Biden Suffers From ‘Denial, Delusion and Defiance’: Former Obama Adviser

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President Joe Biden’s current ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos hasactually done little to stop growing issues about his age and physicalfitness for workplace, according to a scathing review from David Axelrod, a previous senior consultant to President Barack Obama.

In a CNN viewpoint piece, Axelrod defined Biden’s reaction to concerns about his bad dispute efficiency and low survey numbers as displaying “denial, misconception, and defiance.” The veteran political strategist’s remarks come as Biden, 81, dealswith installing pressure from within his own celebration to action aside inthemiddleof fears of a prospective landslide defeat to previous President Donald Trump in November.

Axelrod zeroed in on Biden’s interview, throughout which the president hadahardtime to discuss his commonly slammed June 27 argument efficiency versus Trump. Biden used several descriptions for his bad revealing, consistingof a bad cold, fatigue, and insufficient preparation, before eventually yielding, “I simply had a bad night, I puton’t understand why.”

Biden and Stephanpolous in Wisconisn
In this handout picture offered by ABC, U.S. President Joe Biden speaks with ‘This Week’ anchor George Stephanopoulos on July 05, 2024 in Madison, Wisconsin. David Axelrod composed an viewpoint piece critiquing Biden’s interview and… AFP/Getty Images

“That, in a nutshell, is the Republican attack. That an aged Biden is not in control, and that’s why his dispute misfire was so ravaging,” Axelrod composed, highlighting the gravity of Biden’s stumble.

The previous Obama advisor revealed specific issue over Biden’s rejection to gothrough an independent medical examination, consistingof neurological and cognitive tests. Instead, the president firmlyinsisted he takes a “cognitive test every day” through the needs of his workplace.

“Maybe, however most Americans, havingactually seen him recently, would grade him badly on that rating,” Axelrod countered.

Newsweek called Biden’s project workplace bymeansof e-mail on Saturday for remark.

Recent surveys haveactually painted a grim image for Biden’s reelection potentialcustomers. Axelrod pointedout 3 different studies performed by CNN, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal, all revealing Biden tracking Trump by 6 points acrossthecountry. The president’s approval scores have likewise sunk to historical lows, with 74% of Americans now considering him too old to serve another term.

Despite this worrying information, Biden stayed bold

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