Jury convicts ex-Northeastern University staffmember who staged bomb scam

Jury convicts ex-Northeastern University staffmember who staged bomb scam

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June 29 (UPI) — A federal jury foundedguilty a previous Northeastern University staffmember for staging a phony bomb danger on the university’s Boston school 2 years earlier.

On Friday, Jason Duhaime, 46, of San Antonio, was discovered guilty of one felony count of deliberately communicating incorrect and deceptive details associated to an explosive gadget and 2 counts of making materially incorrect declarations to a federal law enforcement representative.

His sentencing hearing is setup for Oct. 2. The 3 felony charges each bring a optimum sentence of 5 years in jail.

“Bomb scams like the one the offender made here have real-life effects,” Acting United States Attorney Joshua Levy stated in a declaration. “Communities are put in worry, law enforcement workers are diverted from other essential responsibilities and there are substantial monetary consequences.

“As we experience a wave of bomb scams in schools, homes of praise and other event locations, we will work clos

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