Kamala Harris Has the KHive. Now Meet the D-Unit, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff’s Insatiable Fan Base.

Kamala Harris Has the KHive. Now Meet the D-Unit, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff’s Insatiable Fan Base.

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Call them the First Gentlehive, the Emhunks, the Doug House—the D-Unit. The very online sector hasactually spoken: Doug Emhoff, partner of Kamala Harris, is the web’s mostrecent partner. Many are digging Doug, with a singing group of Em-issaries emerging as a spin-off of Harris’s devoted KHive.

The election might not be upuntil November, however the 2nd gentleman is winning social media users’ hearts. “I requirement Gen z to see this image of Kamala’s otherhalf in the 80s and make him TikTok’s white kid of the month,” checksout one tweet with more than 2.2 million views, accompanied by a fuzzy-focus image of a young Emhoff with an earnest expression.

“Doug Emhoff shouldn’t be texting me long paragraphs if he desires cash,” another tweet read. “He must be sendingout uncommon pictures of him in the 80s.”

Another quipped, “basking in the bisexual craze of Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff in the ’80s,” with different images of the couple.

Decades lateron, Emhoff has progressed into a 2nd gentleman who embodies dorky daddery, waving at his partner at the State of the Union with such interest that he fractures her up, on another celebration, blowing kiss after kiss to her from the House gallery and doing a whole-arm wave.

At this point, Emhoff has sealed his function as a expert Wife Guy, and he’s revealed himself to be the finest in his field. Back in 2020, he was finalizing Biden-Harris project e-mails as “Doug Emhoff (Kamala’s Husband),” and was currently mugging for cams in a t-shirt with his spouse’s name emblazoned on the chest. He’s such a Wife Guy, in truth, that he’s an Ex-Wife Guy too. Kerstin Emhoff, with whom Doug shares 2 kids, Ella and Cole, felt forced to speak up in Kamala Harris’s defense after Republican vice governmental prospect JD Vance’s 2021 ideas about politicalleaders without biological kids (in brief: How attempt they?) justrecently resurfaced.

“These are unwarranted attacks,” Kerstin stated in a declaration. “For over 10 years, giventhat Cole and Ella were teens, Kamala hasactually been a co-parent with Doug and I. She is caring, supporting, increasingly protective, and constantly present. I love our combined household and am grateful to have her in it.”

Doug has even recorded the cross-stitch vote, with a pattern, published for digital download, stating, “I can’t wait to see what Douglas does with the tree!” a recommendation to Christmas at the White House, the luxurious decoration for which is generally in the province of the veryfirst girl.

That her spouse hasactually endedupbeing the web’s partner is yet another chapter in the legend of Harris and social media, which dates back to before the 2020 election cycle, when the then California senator’s name was in the mix as a possible governmental prospect. During a three-month duration studied by Axios, social media posts with shortarticles associated to Harris had the mo

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