Let’s learn how modern JavaScript frameworks work by building one

Let’s learn how modern JavaScript frameworks work by building one

8 minutes, 18 seconds Read

Hand-drawn looking JavaScript logo saying DIY JS

In my day job, I work on a JavaScript framework (LWC). And although I’ve been working on it for almost three years, I still feel like a dilettante. When I read about what’s going on in the larger framework world, I often feel overwhelmed by all the things I don’t know.

One of the best ways to learn how something works, though, is to build it yourself. And plus, we gotta keep those “days since last JavaScript framework” memes going. So let’s write our own modern JavaScript framework!

What is a “modern JavaScript framework”?

React is a great framework, and I’m not here to dunk on it. But for the purposes of this post, “modern JavaScript framework” means “a framework from the post-React era” – i.e. Lit, Solid, Svelte, Vue, etc.

React has dominated the frontend landscape for so long that every newer framework has grown up in its shadow. These frameworks were all heavily inspired by React, but they’ve evolved away from it in surprisingly similar ways. And although React itself has continued innovating, I find that the post-React frameworks are more similar to each other than to React nowadays.

To keep things simple, I’m also going to avoid talking about server-first frameworks like Astro, Marko, and Qwik. These frameworks are excellent in their own way, but they come from a slightly different intellectual tradition compared to the client-focused frameworks. So for this post, let’s only talk about client-side rendering.

What sets modern frameworks apart?

From my perspective, the post-React frameworks have all converged on the same foundational ideas:

  1. Using reactivity (e.g. signals) for DOM updates.
  2. Using cloned templates for DOM rendering.
  3. Using modern web APIs like