Mystical Power Outage Paralyzes Tajikistan

Mystical Power Outage Paralyzes Tajikistan

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By Eurasianet – Mar 01, 2024, 2: 00 PM CST

  • Entire swathes of Tajikistan, consistingof the capital Dushanbe, dealtwith a three-hour power failure, interrupting day-to-day life and leaving homeowners without important services like heating and hot water.
  • The blackout was associated to a significant technical breakdown, with some speculation recommending an event at the Nurek hydroelectric power plant, which materials around 50% of the nation’s energy requirements.
  • While Dushanbe is not accustomed to such prolonged failures, other parts of the nation, particularly rural locations, frequently experience regimen blackouts, especially throughout durations of cold weathercondition when output from the Nurek plant reduces.


Entire swathes of Tajikistan were left without electricalenergy for around 3 hours on March 1 inthemiddleof what appears to haveactually been a significant technical breakdown.

Households in the capital, Dushanbe, reported power interruptions at around 11 a.m. regional time. Electricity products were broughtback 3 hours lateron.

Many homes were left without heating and hot water, both of which are provided by suggests of a centralized system.

After weeks of unseasonably warm weathercondition, daytime temperaturelevels in Dushanbe have in current days slipped to near or listedbelow freezing. This has triggered lotsof to fall back on electrical heatingunits, which appears in turn to have setoff staggered blackouts. Cold weathercondition conditions are anticipate to continue over the weekend.

Over the period of the failure, no federalgovernment authorities openly commented on the circumstance. 

Independent media outlet Asia-Plus cited unnamed sources as stating there hadactually been an undefined event at the Nurek hydroelectric power plant. According to the World Bank’s approximates, Nurek, which veryfirst went online in 1972, offers around 50 percent of the nation’s overall energy requirements. Asia-Plus stated it was notable to get through to state-run power business

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