Pro-Palestinian protesters call Blinken ‘war criminal’ throughout 2 Senate committee hearings

Pro-Palestinian protesters call Blinken ‘war criminal’ throughout 2 Senate committee hearings

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Pro-Palestinian protesters hold painted hands as Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs hearing on proposed fiscal year 2025 budget request at the U.S. Capitol Tuesday. Photo by Bonnie Cash/UPI

1 of 4 | Pro-Palestinian protesters hold painted hands as Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks throughout a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs hearing on proposed financial year 2025 spendingplan demand at the U.S. Capitol Tuesday. Photo by Bonnie Cash/UPI | License Photo

May 21 (UPI) — Pro-Palestinian protesters continuously stated U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken a “war criminal” as he affirmed throughout different Senate hearings Tuesday.

Blinken affirmed before the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs concerning the Department of State’s $58.8 billion spendingplan demand for financial year2025

Blinken likewise affirmed before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations concerning hazards presented by China and Russia and the State Department’s financial year 2025 budgetplan demand.

When Blinken gotin the Foreign Relations Committee hearing space, a group of protesters stood, revealed their hands painted red and screamed: “The blood of 40,000 Palestinians is on his hands.”

Blinken hardly started to affirm before the Foreign Relations Committee when a guy stood and decried the declared death of a 6-year-old called Hind Rajab.

“Blinken, you will be keptinmind as the butcher of Gaza,” the guy screamed. “You will be keptinmind for killing innocent Palestinians.”

Committee Chairman Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., purchased the male eliminated from the chamber and stated all others who speak out of turn would be eliminated from the committee hearing, .

The interruptions continued as protesters urged Blinken and legislators present to “stop the genocide” and consistently declared 40,000 Palestinians haveactually been eliminated with mass graves apparently discovered near medicalfacilities in Gaza.

Blinken handled to get through his committee statement.

“The People’s Republic of China is pursuing military, financial and geopolitical pre-eminence, difficult our vision for a totallyfree, open, protected and flourishing worldwide order,” Blinken stated.

“Russia is dedicating agg

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