Reddit Cuts Off Search Engine Scrapers, Including Bing

Reddit Cuts Off Search Engine Scrapers, Including Bing

1 minute, 37 seconds Read

This is fascinating.

This week, Reddit mas moved to block search engines not called Google from crawling its website, through an upgrade to its robot.txt file which obstructs their spiders.

Microsoft’s Bing has now stopped crawling Reddit, after an upgrade to the platform’s robots.txt file on July 1st, which basically declines gainaccessto to all non-approved search engines, significance that Reddit results will not be showed on other search engines.

Except, of course, Google.

Reddit signed a $60 million per year information offer with Google back in February, which hasactually seen Google referring a load more traffic to its pages, and it appears that this offer has now empowered Reddit to set a precedent on information gainaccessto, as it looks to broaden its income capacity.

Though Reddit states that it’s not particularly connected to the Google offer, as such.

As per Reddit:

“This is not at all related to our current collaboration with Google. We haveactually been in conversations with several search engines. We haveactually been notable to reach contracts with all of them, consideringthat some are notable or reluctant to make enforceable assures concerning their usage of Reddit material, consistingof their usage for AI.”

AI training hasactually been a huge focus for Reddit and X (formerly Twitter), with lotsof early AI jobs scraping both of their platforms to source human-created inputs for their LLMs. Both X and Reddit have now upped the cost of their API gainaccessto, in order to makesure that AI tasks are not benefiting off of their insights, which likewise provides them more control over which AI jobs they enable to usage such for their efforts.

Reddit’s relocation to limit search scraper gainaccessto is linedup with the exactsame, with Reddit looking to execute more manages over its information, in order to makethemostof its revenues.

Which makes sense. Reddit, which is now a openly noted entity, is looking to boost worth for its investors, nevertheless it can

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