Roscosmos Progress 88 freight spacecraft docks at International Space Station

Roscosmos Progress 88 freight spacecraft docks at International Space Station

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the Progress 88 spacecraft arrives at the International Space Station. Photo courtesy of NASA

the Progress 88 spacecraft showsup at the International Space Station. Photo courtesy of NASA

June 1 (UPI) — Russia’s unmanned Progress 88 freight spacecraft docked effectively at the International Space Station on Saturday earlymorning.

Progress 88 connected up with the ISS at 7: 47 a.m. EDT after takingatrip about 2 days from its launch point in Kazakhstan to the ISS.

The Progress 88 spacecraft released atop a Soyuz rocket at 5: 43 a.m. EDT Thursday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

The freight spacecraft docked at the ISS’s Poisk module’s space-facing port, where it will stay for about 6 months before returning to Earth.

Progress 88 provided 3 heaps of materials, fuel and food for the Expedition 71 team aboard the ISS.

After clearing the freight spacecraft of its items, the ISS team wi

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