Southeast Asia needto not let Japan hijack its energy shift

Southeast Asia needto not let Japan hijack its energy shift

Japan is attempting to push fossil fuel-based innovations on the area like gas, fossil hydrogen, carbon capture and so-called tidy coal

When Southeast Asian leaders collect in Jakarta this week, they’ll face air so contaminated from carsandtrucks and coal plants that the city was justrecently identified the world’s most contaminated city.

The leaders will assemble for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit following a once-in-200-year heatwave that shut down schools and led to extensive hospitalizations throughout the area. 

But, at a time when ASEAN leaders should take strong action to shift to sustainable energy, Japan is weakening Southeast Asia’s shift by promoting innovations that would broaden and lengthen the usage of fossil fuels. 

Japan is utilizing efforts such as the “Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC)” and the “Asia Energy Transition Initiative” to allegedly assistance ASEAN partners’ decarbonisation efforts. However, these efforts are cars to promote Japan’s so-called “Green Transformation” method, which relies greatly on fossil fuels and fossil fuel-based innovations.

Japan’s prepares highlight the advancement of melted natural gas (LNG), fossil hydrogen, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and co-firing ammonia and biomass at coal-fired power plants. These innovations will not assistance Asia lower emissions.

Green financialobligation swaps, described

According to thinktank TransitionZero, co-firing ammonia at coal plants in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand will not cut emissions in line with the International Energy Agency’s 2050 net-zero target.

Similarly, changing from coal to gas power plants worldwide will not lower emissions adequate to fulfill environment targets, according to Global Energy Monitor. It will likewise hold-up the required shift to tidy and sustainable energy, such as solar and wind. 

Japan’s efforts to weaken Southeast Asia’s energy shift are comprehensive. Last year, Japan prepared a decarbonisation strategy for Indonesia that prioritised the advancement of LNG, hydrogen, ammonia co-firing, and CCS. Japan is slated to establish a nationwide decarbonisation strategy for Cambodia, amongst others. Earlier this year, Japan assembled an AZEC conference to construct support for its techn

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