The News Book Riot Covered This Week

The News Book Riot Covered This Week

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Today in Books rounds up news links from locations from other than Book Riot, however we likewise cover news on the website, so here are the news stories we composed about last week. Plus: a grab-bag of links that didn’t make into the routine everyday sendsout, however still are worth a click.

How Alabama Library Supporters Took Action and You Can, Too

The work is long. It is tiring. It is at a high individual expense. We’ve got enough awareness projects and resources. We understand that in the last 4 years, how to battle book prohibits and difficulties hasn’t altered — you requirement to vote, you requirement to program up to board conferences (and/or be included on the board if possible), you have to get into your chosen authorities’ ears, you requirement to stay on top of the news, and then, select one more thing if time and energy license. One of t

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