1 in 5 Americans have low-literacy abilities: These charts describe reading levels in the UnitedStates

1 in 5 Americans have low-literacy abilities: These charts describe reading levels in the UnitedStates

It’s been 57 years because President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed September 8, 1966, as International Literacy Day. The event of Literacy Day assists raise awareness around worldwide literacy requires and accomplishments.

Here are 3 charts that describe literacy rates in the UnitedStates and abroad:

UNESCO information reveals that the youth literacy rate was almost 92% aroundtheworld in 2020 up from 77% in1975 But illiteracy stays a international issue. At least 763 million grownups around the world lack fundamental literacy abilities, and two-thirds of them are females. The COVID-19 pandemic and other crisis, such as environment modification and global disputes, have intensified these concerns, according to UNESCO.

130 million Americans read listedbelow sixth-grade level

In the U.S., almost 130 million American grownups read listedbelow a sixth-grade level — that number represents more than half the adult UnitedStates population, according to the Department of Education.

American’s literacy rates differ: Four in 5 UnitedStates grownups (79%) have English literacy abilities adequate to “Complete jobs that need comparing and contrasting details, paraphrasing, or making low-level reasonings,” according to the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). This is comparable to scoring at a level 2 literacy rate or above. At the exactsame time, one in 5 grownups (22%) in the U.S. has problem finishing these exactsame jobs.

National literacy ratings by state

The Education Department discovered that the nationwide typical literacy rating is264 Minnesota and New Hampshire have the greatest literacy ratings of any state at 279.

On the other hand, Louisiana, Mississippi,

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