Can you area ‘the canine that runs in rough waters’?

Can you area ‘the canine that runs in rough waters’?

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Haleakalā National Park on Maui revealed a “special look” on the coasts of ‘Ohe’o Gulch that tookplace last month. It’s an Ilioholoikauaua, one of 2 native mammals in Hawaii, and it’s takingasnooze. Can you area it?

Ilioholoikauaua equates to “the canine that runs in rough waters,” and is muchbetter understood as an Hawaiian monk seal.

The park on Tuesday published the image of the drowsy visitor on its Facebook page.

“According to NOAA, Hawaiian monk seals are one of the world’s most threatened types with simply around 1,400 left in the wild,” the post states. “They are singular animals that invest most of their time at sea. You might discover them capturing some much-needed rest along the coastline. It is crucial to permit them a substantial quantity of area to mo

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