Hunter wrongly eliminates grizzly bear, however it wasn’t hunter’s error

Hunter wrongly eliminates grizzly bear, however it wasn’t hunter’s error

0 minutes, 37 seconds Read

A bear hunter in Idaho thought they had eliminated a black bear when in truth it was a safeguarded grizzly bear, however it wasn’t the hunter’s fault. It was Idaho Fish and Game’s fault.

The unknown hunter sentout Fish and Game tape-recorded videos of the bear at the legal bait website 2 days before the shooting. Hunting in an location not understood to have grizzly bears, the hunter was worried that the bear was a grizzly and not a black bear.

“Unfortunately, Fish and Game personnel misidentified the young bear as a black bear since it didnothave some typical functions of a grizzly, and shared that misidentification with the hunter,” the Idaho Fish and Game specified in a press release.

“After shooting t

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