NFL fans liked watch Raiders owner Mark Davis crush some wings throughout Hall of Fame videogame

NFL fans liked watch Raiders owner Mark Davis crush some wings throughout Hall of Fame videogame

0 minutes, 47 seconds Read

Ah, preseason football.

NFL fans shot to get hyped up for it, however then we all understand it’s preseason football and the focus goes inotherplaces.

That’s kind of what tookplace Thursday night as the Las Vegas Raiders and the Jacksonville Jaguars dealtwith off in the yearly Hall of Fame videogame in Canton.

NBC electroniccameras captured Raiders owner Mark Davis consuming while viewing, and everybody began tweeting about him consuming some wings. Why? Because it’s a preseason videogame! And Davis was truly going to town on stated wings … while using a white t-shirt.

Seriously, this may haveactually been the finest minute from Thursday:

God bless Mark Davis consuming wings on nationwide TELEVISION

— Yianni Kourakis (@WPBF_Yianni) August 5, 2022

God bless the cameraman and NBC manufacturer who chose to cut to Mark Davis while he was consuming chicken wings. MVPs.

— Brooke Pryor (@bepryor) August 5, 2022

Mark Davis pounding wings in that white shir

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