Stephen A. Smith issorryfor slamming Kwame Brown after Pau Gasol trade

Stephen A. Smith issorryfor slamming Kwame Brown after Pau Gasol trade

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Former Los Angeles Lakers star huge guy Pau Gasol is preserved in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, and it was a well-deserved honor.

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While the Lakers and the late Kobe Bryant assisted release Gasol’s complete possible, Gasol likewise saved the company from the grim mediocrity it was stuck in.

It traded for him in February2008 At the time, it hadactually gone through 3 and a half years of being stuck inbetween a rock and a difficult location following Shaquille O’Neal’s departure. The one gamer who possibly represented this purgatory more than anybody else was Kwame Brown.

Arguably the greatest bust in NBA history, Brown was an albatross keeping the Lakers down. His absence of an offensive videogame, absence of heart and failure to catch simple passes annoyed lotsof fans on a nighttime basis.

When Brown was traded in the Gasol offer, ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith provided a scathing criticism of his videogame. Although some claim it was hyperbolic, it’s tough to argue with what Smith stated.

In the years giventhat, Smith has had more extreme however real things to state about Brown, and ultimately Brown fired back at the analyst.

While on “Podcast P with Paul G

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