Swipeball, the mostcurrent basketball trivia videogame, is here and so much enjoyable

Swipeball, the mostcurrent basketball trivia videogame, is here and so much enjoyable

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Remember when Worlde took over pop culture for a bit and sports fans reacted by developing option variations?

We had Poeltl for the NBA (and Gordle for the NHL, Weddle for the NFL and WARdle for the MLB) and it was an addictive time for trivia lovers who follow sports.

Another choice hoops fans can attempt if they desire to get back into playing some basketball trivia is called Swipeball, from the developers of Dribble. We’ve attempted it out for ourselves and it is relatively addictive.

Swipeball offers users a timely (e.g. “averaging 8+ helps per videogame this season”) and a series of 20 gamers. Almost like on a dating app, you swipe

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