The extremely pricey rates for Tiger Woods’ Sun Day Red brandname had golf fans so annoyed

The extremely pricey rates for Tiger Woods’ Sun Day Red brandname had golf fans so annoyed

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For the longest time, it appeared like Tiger Woods’ recommendation offer with Nike would last his whole playing profession and beyond. But when Tiger ended his multi-decade relationship with the sporting giant in January, he hinted that something significant was in the works.

That’s what we’re getting with Sun Day Red — a high-end brandname focused around Tiger. Woods revealed the Sun Day Red brandname back in February and was seen using the brand-new Tiger logodesign at The Masters. But on Wednesday, the product went on sale to the basic public.

Let’s simply state that they weren’t joking about the “luxury” description when it came to the cost tag.

Polos on Sun Day Red’s website start at $120 and even logo-less polos were noted at $150. Sun Day Red ball markers for $50 were offered out as of Wednesday.

By contrast, Nike Golf polos might be had for $65. So, fans are looking at a substantial boost in cost simply to sport Tiger’s brand-new logodesign. Sun Day Red has T-shirts noted for $70, shorts for $135 and hats for $40. Many of those products didn’t even have that brand-new logodesign, significance Sun Day Red is basically hoping fans pay a premium for t-shirts regardless of brandname acknowledgment.

It didn’t take long till fans began to voice their disappointments about the rates and general introducing of the brandname.

And the timeline was all messed up. The brandname was revealed how long back?

Also, on the veryfirst day there isn’t a SINGLE red t-shirt for sale.

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