UFC veteran Frank Mir ‘committed to coming back stronger’ after emergency spinal surgery

UFC veteran Frank Mir ‘committed to coming back stronger’ after emergency spinal surgery

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UFC and Bellator veteran Frank Mir’s comeback with the GFL has been put on hold.

That’s because early Monday morning, Mir revealed on Instagram that he recently “underwent an emergency spinal fusion and laminectomy of (his) entire thoracic spine.” According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, a laminectomy is a “type of surgery in which a surgeon removes part or all of the vertebral bone (lamina).

In his post, Mir (19-13) expressed optimism about making a full recovery.

“I’m diving into rehabilitation and focusing on my recovery,” Mir wrote. “This is just another challenge that I intend to overcome, and I’m committed to coming back stronger, both mentally and physically, than ever.”

It was

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