What is Cody Rhodes ‘story’ and why is he, not the Rock, headlining WrestleMania 40’s last night?

What is Cody Rhodes ‘story’ and why is he, not the Rock, headlining WrestleMania 40’s last night?

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It was the WrestleMania primary occasion the WWE hadactually been teasing for almost a years. Finally, The Rock would return to the squared circle to take on his cousin, the subdued Roman Reigns. And after more than 3 years of supremacy, Reign would lastly be thwarted not by another grappler however by battling’s demi-god.

It made sense. And fans disliked it.

The issue wasn’t simply the return of a 51-year-old who hadn’t battled more than 6 seconds in the past years. It was that he was taking the location scheduled for a male who’d invested that years earning his WrestleMania minute.

Cody Rhodes came into the WWE in 2006 with a tradition premade for him. His daddy was Dusty Rhodes, the NWA star and famous “son of a plumbing” everyman who mesmerized audiences as one of the greatest stars of the 1970s and 1980s. His half sibling was Dustin Rhodes, who’d handled to stay appropriate while fumbling in 5 different years. All he had to do was follow in their steps.

He did. He was the mostcurrent Rhodes to be miscast by a business that held a animosity versus Dusty, a significant holdout when Vince McMahon, the disgraced previous head of WWE who turned the brandname into a monolith, was snapping up local promos to produce a nationwide juggernaut. When Dusty came to the then-WWF, he was put in polka dots and required to dance in the middle of the ring. When Dustin, when understood as “The Natural” in WCW signedupwith the business he endedupbeing the androgynous, Hollywood-obsessed sex insect Goldust.

Each guy got their tricks over muchbetter than anybody might haveactually anticipated and linked with their particular crowds. Still, the course was set.Rhodes meandered through a handful of personalities in a decade-long run with the business. “Dashing” Cody Rhodes, “Undashing” Cody Rhodes, the Rhodes Scholars and Stardust all worked to differing degrees, however i

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