Afghanistan is the fastest-growing maker of methamphetamine, UN drug firm states

Afghanistan is the fastest-growing maker of methamphetamine, UN drug firm states

ISLAMABAD — Afghanistan is the world’s fastest-growing maker of methamphetamine, a report from the United Nations drug firm stated Sunday. The nation is likewise a significant opium manufacturer and heroin source, even however the Taliban stated a war on narcotics after they returned to power in August 2021.

The United Nations’ Office on Drugs and Crimes, which released the report, stated meth in Afghanistan is primarily made from lawfully offered compounds or drawnout from the ephedra plant, which grows in the wild.

The report called Afghanistan’s meth production a growing danger to nationwide and local health and security since it might interferewith the artificial drug market and fuel dependency. It stated seizures of meth presumed to have come from Afghanistan haveactually been reported from the European Union and east Africa.

Annual meth seizure amountsto from inside the nation increased from less than 100 kgs (220 pounds) in 2019 to almost 2,700 kgs (6,000 pounds) in 2021, recommending increased production, the report stated. But it couldn’t offer a worth for the nation’s meth supply, the amounts being produced, nor its domestic use, since it doesn’t have the information.

Angela Me, the chief of the UNODC’s Research and Trend Analysis Branch, informed The Associated Press that making meth, specifically in Afghanistan, had numerous benefits over heroin or drug production.

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