American Airlines has a agreement offer with flight attendants, and President Biden is delighted about it

American Airlines has a agreement offer with flight attendants, and President Biden is delighted about it

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American Airlines and the union representing its flight attendants have a offer on a brand-new agreement

FORT WORTH, Texas — American Airlines and the union representing its flight attendants stated Friday they have reached contract on a brand-new agreement that consistsof pay raises, and President Joe Biden stated the offer prevents a strike that would have injure the U.S. economy and customers.

Terms of the proposition were not revealed. The contract, covering 28,000 employees, dealswith a union ratification vote.

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants formerly turneddown an American deal that would haveactually increased pay instantly by 18% followed by yearly 2% raises. The union was lookingfor 33% upfront, followed by 4 yearly increases of 6% each. Flight attendants sanctuary’t got raises because 2019.

Union President Julie Hedrick stated the offer “will put billions of extra dollars into payment and work guidelines for our flight attendant workgroup.

American, which is based in Fort Worth, Texas, stated the offer “will offer

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