At least 48 eliminated as fuel tanker strikes truck, triggering surge in Nigeria

At least 48 eliminated as fuel tanker strikes truck, triggering surge in Nigeria

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Truck bring individuals and livestock crashes head-on with tanker in Agaie location in the north-central Niger state.

Published On 8 Sep 2024

A fuel tanker has clashed with another truck in Nigeria, triggering an surge that eliminated at least 48 individuals, according to the nation’s emergencysituation reaction company.

The fuel tanker was likewise bring livestock in the Agaie location in north-central Niger state and at least 50 of them were burned alive, Abdullahi Baba-Arab, director-general of the Niger State Emergency Management Agency, stated on Sunday.

Search-and-rescue operations were under method at the scene of the mishap, he stated.

Baba-Arab stated atfirst that 30 bodies were discovered. But in a lateron declaration, he stated there were an extra 18 bodies of victims who were burned to death in the accident. He stated the dead hadactually been offered a mass buri

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