Father looksfor justice for hurt child

Father looksfor justice for hurt child

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PUBLISHED : 28 Aug 2023 at 06: 18 A daddy is requiring justice for his eighth-grade child who suffers from possibly lethal rhabdomyolysis following a disciplinary penalty purchased by her instructor in Roi Et. The story of the woman, determined just as Lalida, from a regional school in tambon Klang of Selaphum district, was initially exposed on social media by popular website “Yak Dang Diew Jad Hai (Limelight Generator) Return Part 6”. Sermvit Singha, 60, the lady’s daddy, stated his child stays weak as the condition, which includes the breakdown of hurt skeletal muscle, has left her notable to walk and restricted to her space at house. He states Lalida was made to do 100 squat leaps by her physical education instructor last Monday as penalty for not bringing a badminton racquet to school. The lady
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