Jordan’s Umm al-Jimal town included to UNESCO heritage list

Jordan’s Umm al-Jimal town included to UNESCO heritage list

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The earliest structures at the website date back to the veryfirst century ADVERTISEMENT, when it formed part of the Nabataean Kingdom.

Published On 28 Jul 2024

Jordan’s Umm al-Jimal town hasactually been included to UNESCO’s World Heritage List, a relocation hailed by the nation’s tourist and antiquities minister as a “great accomplishment”.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which is hosting a conference of its World Heritage Committee in New Delhi in India, stated on X on Friday that the earliest structures exposed at Umm al-Jimal date back to the veryfirst century ADVERTISEMENT, “when the location formed part of the Nabataean Kingdom”.

It included that engraving in “Greek, Nabataean, Safaitic, Latin and Arabic exposed on the website … sheds light on the modifications in its residents’ spiritual beliefs”.

The town is near the Jordanian-Syrian border, 86km (53 miles) north of Jordan’s capital Amman, and is understood as “the black sanctuary” due to the occurrence of black volcanic rock in the location.

Jordan’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Makram al-Qaisi stated in a press conference on Sunday that Umm al-Jimal’s addition on the World Heritage List is a “great accomplishment we needto be happy of”.

He stated the ministry hoped to welcome regional and global financiers

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