Malaysia penetrating leakage of categorized Chinese note over South China Sea

Malaysia penetrating leakage of categorized Chinese note over South China Sea

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Move follows publication of dripped file caution Malaysia off oil drilling by Philippine media outlet.

Published On 5 Sep 2024

Malaysia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated it is examining the leakage of a categorized file China sentout to its embassy in Beijing in February following the publication last month of an post in a Philippine media outlet.

The ministry stated cops would be notified and an internal examination was under method, in a declaration launched late on Wednesday.

It did not name the outlet or verify the credibility of the note’s contents however did go into information about Malaysia’s declares in the contested South China Sea.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer reported on August 29 that China had sentout the Malaysian embassy a diplomatic note to stop all oil expedition and drilling activities at Luconia Shoals, which lie about 100 kilometres off the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

Quoting the note, the paper reported China declaring Malaysia’s activities “infringed” on its sovereignty.

The shoals are some 1,300km from Hainan Island, China’s closest significant landmass.

“The ministry views the leakage of this file, wh

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