Musk states his cage battle with Zuckerberg will be streamed on X

Musk states his cage battle with Zuckerberg will be streamed on X

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NEW YORK — NEW YORK (AP) — Elon Musk states his prospective in-person battle with Mark Zuckerberg would be streamed on his social media website X, previously understood as Twitter.

The 2 tech billionaires relatively concurred to a “cage match” face-off in late June. Zuckerberg is infact trained in combined martial arts, and the CEO of Facebook’s momsanddad business Meta published about finishing his veryfirst jiu jitsu competition earlier this year.

“Zuck v Musk battle will be live-streamed on X,” Musk composed in a post Sunday on the platform. “All continues will go to charity for veterans.”

On his Threads social media account, Zuckerberg reacted: “Shouldn’t we usage a more trusted platform that can really raise cash for charity?”

Musk stated earlier Sunday he was training for the battle by lifting weights.

“Don’t have time to work out, so I simply bring them to work,” Musk composed.

Zuckerberg responded on Threads: “I’m prepared today. I recommended Aug 26 when he veryfirst challenged, however he hasn’t validated. Not holding my b

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