Stephen King affirms versus merger of publishing giants

Stephen King affirms versus merger of publishing giants

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Image source, Getty Images American scary author Stephen King is taking on a brand-new beast: business debtconsolidation. The author was the star witness in an anti-trust trial to block the 2 mostsignificant UnitedStates publishers’ $2.2bn merger. The US Department of Justice called on King to affirm about how the proposed tie-up of Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster might impact authors. King, 75, informed the court in Washington DC that he felt “the relocation would be bad for competitors in the market”. Both publishing homes have argued the merger would not impede competitors since the business would continue to quote versus each other for the rights to release books, even after the deal is settled. King – who has 50 years’ experience in publishing – called that concept “a little bit outrageous”. “You may as well state you’re going to have a hubby and betterhalf bidding versus each other for
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