Thai Drinks includes fresh shimmer to est Cola brandname

Thai Drinks includes fresh shimmer to est Cola brandname

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released : 14 Mar 2023 at 09: 13 Ms Suporn reveals off a can of est Cola including the brand-new appearance, which has a touch of modern-day Asian design. Thai Drinks, the onlinemarketer and brandname management of est Cola, is rejuvenating the brandname for the veryfirst time in 11 years consideringthat gettingin Thailand’s soft beverage market. According to Suporn Denpaisarn, the business’s vice-president of marketing for non-alcoholic drinks, under the revamp, the business will improve est Cola through a brand-new formula adjusted from customer feedback, upgrade the appearance of its items and beef up its marketing project. The item advancement group picked popular Asian spices such as cinnamon, cloves and soda nuts to mix and develop a best mix offering a muchbetter taste and scent with a carbonated and rejuvenating feel. The appearance of est Cola was altered with a brand-new logodesign style including stylish lines and colours with a touch of modern-day Asian design. It is utilized throughout all flavours, consistingof both sodapop and non-cola versions. The professional
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