The UN states more water animals were farmed than fished in 2022. That’s the veryfirst time in history

The UN states more water animals were farmed than fished in 2022. That’s the veryfirst time in history

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The overall international volume of fish, shrimp, clams and other marine animals that are collected by farming has topped the quantity fished in the wild from the world’s waters for the veryfirst time ever

ROME — The overall worldwide volume of fish, shrimp, clams and other marine animals that are collected by farming has topped the quantity fished in the wild from the world’s waters for the veryfirst time ever, the United Nations reported Friday.

The U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization, in its newest report on fisheries and aquaculture — or farming in water — states the worldwide catch and harvest brought in more than 185 million lots of marine animals in 2022, the most current year for which data are readilyavailable.

Experts state the turningpoint in human history hadactually been anticipated, as the transports from fisher

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