Train hinders in rural North Dakota and spills chemicals

Train hinders in rural North Dakota and spills chemicals

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A Canadian Pacific train hindered in rural North Dakota Sunday night and spilled harmful products

WYNDMERE, N.D. — A Canadian Pacific train hindered in rural North Dakota Sunday night and spilled dangerous products. But regional authorities and the railway stated there is no risk to public security.

There were no injuries and no fire associated with the derailment, which happened in a rural location exterior Wyndmere, a town of numerous hundred individuals about 60 miles (97 kilometers) southwest of Fargo.

Canadian Pacific representative Andy Cummings stated 31 of the 70 vehicles on the train, consistingof numerous bring dangerous products, left the tracks around 11: 15 p.m. Sunday.

Four vehicles filled with liquid asphalt and 2 railcars filled with ethylene glycol spilled some of those chemicals in the derailment. And Cummings stated a automobile bring propylene w

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